Stability pool

The Stability Pool acts as the primary safeguard in upholding system solvency. Its role is to act as the liquidity source for repaying debt from liquidated Chests, ensuring a consistent backing for the total USDs supply.

When a Chest gets liquidated, an amount of USDs equivalent to the remaining debt is burned from the Stability Pool, settling the debt. In return, the entire collateral from the liquidated Chest is transferred to the Stability Pool.

Stability Providers, who contribute USDs to the pool, fund the Stability Pool. Over time, Stability Providers experience a pro-rata reduction in their USDs deposits but gain a pro-rata share of the liquidated collateral. Given that Chests are likely to be liquidated just below the minimum collateral ratio, it is anticipated that Stability Providers will receive a greater dollar-value of collateral relative to the debt they settle. Any collateral received by Stability Providers is free to be traded back to USDs or other assets.

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