Borrowing kickstart incentives

We plan to reward our users for minting USDs in the first 60 days the protocol is live. Our primary goal is clear: to bootstrap platform activity and boost the liquidity within our ecosystem. By introducing a generous airdrop of 600,000 STS tokens, we aim to incentivize the initial 60-day sprint post-launch — a pivotal time for any protocol.

The Details: How Does It Work?

We're earmarking a substantial reward for those who dive in early and use artMETIS and svMETIS as collateral to mint USDs. Here's how it will work:

  • Go to our dApp

  • Connect your wallet

  • Select the artMETIS or svMETIS chest

  • Add collateral and select the amount of USDs you like to mint

  • Proceed to borrow the USDs which will be automatically added to your wallet

Linear Rewards: We've designed the airdrop to be distributed as an STS per second rate, ensuring a smooth and consistent reward flow. Each new operation by a borrower registers the accumulated rewards since their last activity, updating the incentive calculation with every engagement.

Proportional Allocation: In tandem with time, your rewards are directly tied to the USDs you borrow. The more you borrow, the greater your share of the bounty.

Flexibility and Safety in Operations: Stablis Protocol understands the dynamic nature of DeFi activities. Whether you're opening or closing chests, minting or repaying USDs, engaging in redemptions, or navigating liquidations — your earned rewards stay safe. Each operation recalibrates your stake in the airdrop, with previously earned rewards locked in and new ones calculated post-operation.

Claim Rewards On-Demand

Why wait? With Stablis Protocol, you have the freedom to claim your accumulated rewards at any moment. There's no need to hold out until the end of the 60 days; your rewards are ready when you are.

Last updated