STS Token Overview

The STS token is the native utility token of the Stablis Protocol, designed to incentivize participation and foster a vibrant ecosystem on the Metis blockchain. Here’s a comprehensive look at its functionalities:

Earning Through Staking

When users stake their STS tokens by depositing them in the staking vault, they start earning a portion of the protocol's fees. These fees are distributed based on the staker’s share of the total staked STS tokens at the time the fees are generated. Stakers receive 100% of the borrowing, redemption, and interest rate fees charged by the protocol.

Staking Boost NFT

Staking STS tokens also offers additional benefits through the Staking Boost NFT. Holders of this NFT receive an extra share of 2,100,000 STS tokens, proportional to their staked amount. This provides a significant incentive for long-term staking and active participation in the protocol.


One of the key advantages of staking STS tokens is the flexibility it offers. There is no lock-up period, meaning stakers can withdraw their assets at any time without any penalties or delays.

Governance and Voting

STS token holders play a crucial role in the governance of the Stablis Protocol. Through governance voting on, they can participate in key decisions such as adjusting borrowing fees, setting interest rates, and introducing new collateral types. This democratic process ensures that the protocol evolves in line with the community's needs and preferences, fostering a more decentralized and participatory DeFi ecosystem.

Revenue Sharing

By staking STS tokens, users directly benefit from the revenue generated by the protocol. This creates a sustainable model where active participants are rewarded, further encouraging engagement and long-term commitment to the platform.

In summary, the STS token is central to the Stablis ecosystem, offering multiple avenues for earning, participating in governance, and benefiting from the protocol’s growth. Whether through staking, earning additional rewards, or influencing key decisions, STS token holders are integral to the success and development of Stablis.

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